Partial change log. Full revision logs in the SVN: r435 to r475: Security fixes by Peter Pawlowski and Nicolas Botti. Added VS2005 projects for libcommon / libmpcdec with MFC Static (needed for DS filters) renamed crc32 to mpc_crc32 to avoid name conflics with static libs fix cmake libmpcdec build do not flush the demux buffer when seek position is in the buffer refill the buffer if possible handle tags larger than the demux buffer. patch by Dr. Fiemost : fixed an error when building mpcdec on MinGW since crtdbg.h is a Visual Studio feature. mpccut should now be more resilient to errors libmpcdec: bug correction for "in buffer" seek libmpc: * patch by Samuli Suominen: add install target for cmake, add a shared option for libmpcdec * shared option default to on, unless on windows * renamed libmpcdec project libmpcdec and mpcdec project mpcdec_cmd to have correctly named outputs and avoid cmake issues